Thursday, May 31, 2012

ReadyForToday .

ReadyForToday .

What I'm Wearing
bohemian chiffon dress - Instinc at Mr Price .
tigers eye ring - Woolworths
agate necklace - A gift from dearest Elizna .
gold bracelets - Kalk Bay Indoor Market

meetings and such . always fun .
potential place to house and sell my clothing . though didn't work out but had a good day .
sent me wondering where to sell the THEFT Range . . .
YDE has a lot of rules . other stores take a fair amount of commission . online?
Do people still shop online?

Peace&&Love .

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


so, instead of blogging day to day stuff on my THEFT blog&&website . I have decided to carry on my personal style blog on here .
the THEFT CLOTHING SITE is under construction so the blog is currently running as said site .

the previous blogs I have written can still be seen here
these blogs were written during my time at fedisa, my three year fashion design degree, and follow the life of a fashion student .

this blog will be hosting my PhotographOfTheDay images, whichhh is a shot of the outfit that I am wearing , and a brief discription of WhatItIsAbout&WhereTheItemsAreFrom . I'll voice generally opionions about that world around me , which those, I have many .
So follow the ramblings of a graduate designer and the talk of a Cuban barman, all rolled into one CapeTownian Bohemian bundle of lifestyle .